Grading Policy

Students will accumulate points throughout the nine weeks.  Points will come from the following categories, and will be based on the following percentages:

·         Category 1:          Formative                                          30%
·         Category 2:          Summative                                        70%.

1.              Major Assessments
a.     Essays:  During the 18 weeks of this course, you will be assigned various written assignments designed to improve your ability to write about a single subject.
b.    Exams:  Throughout the semester, you will be given exams derived from the in-class and homework reading assignments, as well as pertinent aspects of the writing process.  These exams are a measurement of your ability to comprehend and discuss the major themes presented in class.
c.     Writer Workshops:  Most Fridays you are in class, you will be assigned to participate in a writer's workshop.  These are considered summative assignments based upon participation.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up the time/work before or after school.
d.    Class Discussions:  During the study of major works of literature, you will be required to participate in student led class discussions.  These discussions are summative.  You must participate four times in a significant manner to receive full credit.
2.              Daily Assignments:
a.     Journal
b.    Silent reading
c.     Participation
d.    Reading Quizzes
e.     Formative writing assignments
3.              Homework:
a.     Readings:  Most days you will be given a reading assignment.  These reading assignments will be monitored by the use of quizzes.
b.    Written work:  Most written work assigned should be considered as homework because most class time will be taken up with learning writing strategies and the discussion of literature.

Grading System: 

All assignments, regardless of whether they are formative or summative, will be graded on a 4 point scale: 

                        4 = Exceeds Standards 90-100%                      (A)
                        3 = Meets Standards                 80-89%             (B)

                        2 = Approaches Standards       70-79%             (C)
                        1= Below Standards                 60-69%             (D)

                        0 = Insufficient Evidence          0-59%               (F)

The purpose of this scale is to help make the transition to a standards based grading system.  Some of the math does not appear to be correct, but it reflects the need to perform at a certain level to be considered proficient at any various assigned task.  In addition, the actual percentages are irrelevant because the real measure of a grade is based upon whether or not the evidence you provide suggests you are exceeding, meeting, or not addressing the standards set forth.  Grades for Summative assignments will be calculated on a traditional letter grade/percentage scale for ease and convenience of students and parents, but be translated to the 4 point scale when put in the grade book.  These numbers will be carried over to two decimal points (e.g. 3.5 or 2.75).

A Word on Formative Assessments:

In order to assure the impact of certain Formative assignments will have upon the final grade, not all Formative assignments will be graded.  For example, I will collect journals every week, but a maximum of 6 journals throughout the semester will be counted towards your final grades.  Further, because the assigned readings are of such importance to the successful completion of this course, content and concepts from the quizzes will account for at least 50% of your reading exams and your semester exam grade, whether that is five questions or thirty questions for each of these tests.

Make up work:
Policy: Students will have two days for every day they are excused for being absent to make up their work. Assignments will be left blank until the work has been turned in or time has expired. If a student is absent (excused) the day assigned work is due (e.g. an essay) the assigned work is due the day they return.  If not turned in, the grade entered will be a “0.”

Assessment Re-Test Opportunities:
All students have the opportunity to re-take Interim Assessments or re-write Summative Assessments at the teacher's discretion.  In either case, additional work will be assigned to reinforce skills or comprehension.  This is done to ensure the student has the best opportunity possible to improve.

Returning work to the student:
Students will have the opportunity to review their major assignments, but because of the nature of a split between the sections of this course, all major assignments must be returned to the instructor.

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